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Senolytics: slow the aging process?

2017-09-20 来源:转载自第三方
20 September 2017
  Recently, the United States Mayo Medical Center and the Scripps Institute discussed the human clinical trials of their new drug Senolytics for the first time, the paper has been published in the international journal "Journal of the American Geriatrics Society" [1]. Senolytics is a new drug that slows human aging and is the first treatment to be used to prolong human life.
  In fact, before Senolytics drugs, metformin has been more well-known to help people to extend lives, and it is considered by scientists as the best anti-aging drug candidates. But metformin is not actually a drug specifically designed to delay aging, it is the world's most widely used diabetes first-line drugs. Two years ago, the clinical trial "TAME (Taming Aging with Metformin)", which was launched, will recruit about 3,000 elderly people aged between 70 and 80 years of age for 5 to 7 years clinical observation.
  Metformin increases the amount of oxygen molecules released into the cells to increase the robustness of the body and prolong life. The treatment principle of Senolytics is different with Metformin, its principle is to eliminate human aging cells to delay aging. With the growth of age, the cells face decay, aging cells can not only make a useful contribution to the body, but also gradually accumulate in the body, secrete inflammatory chemicals, destruct the surrounding healthy cells, and then lead to a series of health related questions. By killing these cells, you can prevent the negative effects of aging cells on the body. Senolytics is targeting these senescent cells.
  As early as 2015, the researchers has published their research in the "Aging Cell" [2], indicating that Senolytics can significantly slow down the aging process in animal models—relieve symptoms, improve heart function and prolong health life. In clinical trials, the researchers will study the status of aging, potentially lethal diseases associated with aging cell accumulation, etc. If Senolytics or other interventions are proven to be effective and safe in clinical trials, a variety of diseases can be treated at once and delay human aging.
  But to demonstrate the role of Senolytics on human body, it not only need to track the contrast for a long time, but also need to further verify if it has other side effects on human body, so there is still a long way to go. But if Senolytic is really ready for clinical use in the future, many of the diseases associated with aging will be treated at once, and living to 150 years old is no longer a dream, which will be transformative change in human society as a whole.
[1] Kirkland JL, Tchkonia T, Zhu Y, et al. The Clinical Potential of Senolytic Drugs. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 2017, doi:10.1111/jgs.14969.
[2] Zhu Y, Tchkonia T, Pirtskhalava T, et al. The Achilles’ heel of senescent cells: from transcriptome to senolytic drugs. Aging Cell, 2015, doi:10.1111/acel.12344.
Edited by Suzhou Yacoo Science Co., Ltd.
