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Google Launches New Health Care Program: Big Data Disease Prevention

2014-07-25 来源:亚科官网
25 July 2014
  Google launched a new research project called Baseline Study, hoping to fully depict what should be like for the health human body.
  In order to complete this project, Google will collect genetic and molecular information from 175 people anonymously, and then will collect related data from thousands of people.
  The project is still in its early stages of development, led by Andrew Conrad, a 50-year-old molecular biologist. He has pioneered an easy-to-implement and low-cost HIV test that can be used to test donated plasma.
  Conrad joined Google X in March 2013 and has formed a team of 70~100 people in the areas of physiology, biochemistry, optics, imaging and molecular biology.
  Although there are many large-scale medical and genetic research projects existing, but Baseline collects a greater number of information in a wider range. They hope to help researchers detect signs of heart disease and cancer earlier, and promote prevention rather than focus on therapies.
  The project is not limited to specific diseases, but rather uses hundreds of different samples collected using a variety of new diagnostic tools. After that, Google will use its huge computing power to find hidden information in these "bio-label" to help medical researchers to detect diseases in advance.
  For example, the study may identify biomarkers that can help people break down high-fat foods. Those with these labels can delay the onset of high cholesterol and heart disease, and those without such biomarkers are at an earlier stage of heart disease. Once the Baseline found the label, the researchers could help them better break down the high-fat diet by examining who was missing the label, helping them to correct their habits, or developing new therapies.
  Google now has the world's largest computer network and data center, they can quickly provide search results and video services. This can also be used to store and analyze medical information.
  So far, most of the biomarkers that have been identified are associated with late-stage disease, since such studies are generally focused on patients. Therefore, the use of existing data to determine the effect of disease as soon as possible. The researchers believe that this new project will be a significant leap because the human body is too complex, and for DNA, enzymes and protein interactions, as well as diet and other environmental factors on the human body, scientists are poorly understood. And this study can provide more information for scientists.
  Google said the Baseline will be anonymous, the data collected is also limited to medical purposes. These data will not be shared with the insurance company.
  Nevertheless, the matter was a cause for great concern. These data will bring great value to the insurance company in the future, they all hope to reduce the risk through various kinds of information all the time. In addition, some people may refer to the relevant data in the recruitment and marriage.
  Baseline will hire School of Medicine, Duke University and Stanford University, to monitor and control their use of information. (Source:

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