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China diagnostic reagents to break the foreign brand monopoly

2014-07-29 来源:亚科官网

 With the Chinese medical reform, people's health consciousness enhancementand detection technology has improved, the market will further accelerate thepace of expansion China.

Diagnostic reagent company China native is gradually breaking the monopoly of foreign brands.

In China, in vitro diagnostic reagents including biochemical diagnostic reagents,immune diagnostic reagents, molecular diagnosis reagent and blood diagnostic reagent. In 2012, China's biochemical and immunological diagnosis kits to 70%the highest market share, which is decided by the domestic medical needs. AndChinese economy and government health spending is still maintained at a relatively low level of consumption of medical diagnosis, influence.

The next three years, Chinese demand for routine detection volume will reach the maximum. In China, increase the diagnostic technology and high-end consumerwill promote the molecular diagnostic reagents and other related reagents market demand. According to the forecast, the biochemical and immune diagnostic reagent demand will decline to 60% in 2015. With high ratio of performance to price and local advantage, Chinese diagnosis reagent for enterprises to break the monopoly of foreign brands to point the day and await for it.

However, Foreign Company still master 30-40% China market share, and showedobvious technical advantages in the high-end domain, as well as the monopoly of"Instrument Reagent" integration platform.

It is understood, at the beginning of this year, held in Shanghai "2014 advancedin vitro diagnostic technology summit" will be the focus of discussions. This event will be invited to many industry experts in the field of speech at the Convention,around the "how to master advanced biotechnology" timely, "if the development of in vitro diagnostic products" of the new use of advanced technology, "domestic diagnostic enterprises how to find new breakthrough" "transnational cooperation projects can enter the depth stage" "reagent research how to the integration of industry" and other hot issues in-depth interpretation and comprehensive interpretation.

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