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The pharmaceutical industry has the consumer technology property

2014-07-30 来源:亚科官网

 Over the past few years, China become one of the fastest area development of pharmaceutical industry in the world. On the one hand, the deterioration of the environment, the aging trend, sub-health population expansion, the "medicine"become the basic necessities of life China people after fifth consumer demand.Therefore, the health care industry has the stability of consumption industry,explosive and because of the application of new technology and products andtechnology industries, can be said that the rapid development of consumer,technology attributes together to create a health care industry this "face to face"over the past ten years.

Historical data show, as of July 24th, Shen million medical biological level industryindex over the past ten years or 487.59%, over the same period the SSE Composite Index rose only 49.57%. This "face to face" has gradually become the eyes of investors, "sweetheart", data display, by the end of 6 this year, 2013 has been set up to issue 12 medical subject fund. Currently on the market there are still harvest medical care fund two medical subject fund issuance, investors preferto the industry.

According to a new drug research and development experts say, Chinapharmaceutical consumption market is expected within 5 years the annual growth rate of 14%-17%, more than $170000000000 in 2017, China is expected to become the world's second largest market American after the. On the other hand, the development of bio pharmaceutical technology, so that the pharmaceutical industry will usher in the explosive growth in the near future, such as the field of stem cell research and development, gene sequencing, the field of science and technology breakthroughs often can move the industry upsidemarket. Thus in the different stages of market and style, the medical board will have relatively good performance.

The personage inside course of study points out, although the prospects for the development of pharmaceutical industry can be expected, but investors and the pharmaceutical industry the "sweetheart" love is not only sweet. The current health care related shares nearly 200, industry stock uneven, some good and some bad, and the sub industry investment logic is different, in the industry one after another at the same time some Niugu a long-term return is negative, so in the industry a period of rapid development, in order to obtain higher returns,investment more forward-looking, but ordinary investors tend to difficult to fit in,take this kind of professional via harvest health care equity fund's pharmaceutical industry theme the funds.

It is understood, is issued Jiashi health care fund 80%-95%'s assets will beinvested in the stock, the investment in the health care industry stock positionswill be not less than 80% of non cash assets. Investment strategy, managementwill dilute the categories of asset allocation, the main assets of the fund throughflexible configurations selected health care industry and the industry stock value.

It is worth mentioning that, as the industry's capacity for research leading fund,Harvest Fund pharmaceutical industry investment research foundation, the strength, the earlier mining too much medicine industry big 牛股, still Harvest Fund is still an important partner of a lot of pharmaceutical enterprises. Following the company successfully issued ETF certificate of health medicine after theharvest, only focus on medical topics of active investment products is expected toplay professional institutions stock advantage, helping investors to compete for the excess return.

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