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Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions will be published, academician said it was safe

2014-08-05 来源:亚科官网
  Learned from the relevant departments, National Center for Disease Control, the State Food and Drug Administration and other departments are doing the final check on hepatitis B vaccination abnormal response monitoring data, which is expected to be released to the public in the second half of this year.
The trend of hepatitis B vaccination has rebounded
  In December last year, Hunan, Shenzhen and other places have appeared suspected "vaccine incident" caused by hepatitis B vaccine (infant deaths has nothing to do with vaccination), which had an effect on the hepatitis B vaccine vaccination rate, the National Health Commission CDC immunization Director Li Quanle said, "after the ‘vaccine incident’, experts and the Chinese CDC 10 provinces spot checks showed that hepatitis B vaccine vaccination decreased by 30% at that time, other vaccination rate is also affected, decreased about 15%. Monitoring also showed a slowdown in hepatitis B vaccination. The latest monitoring results show that the current hepatitis B vaccine vaccination rate has been basically restored to the 2013 before "vaccine incident".
  Professor Zhuang Hui, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor of Department of pathogen biology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University introduced that, the World Health Organization proposed that the child will be vaccinated, the sooner the better, and there are 107 countries have implemented the immune strategy around the world, That is, within 24 hours after birth, the baby will be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine. Our country has 200 million newborns take hepatitis B vaccine, and the neonatal mortality is not increased because of hepatitis B vaccine. 180 million newborns take hepatitis B vaccine around the world, and did not find the hepatitis B vaccine increase the mortality rate of newborns, hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective.
Three-pin inoculation protection rate over 90%
  China Center for Disease Control and Prevention Center for AIDS, deputy director of Liu Zhongfu introduction, mother and child transmission is a transmission of hepatitis B, , 90% will be converted to chronic hepatitis as perinatal infection, the future development is cirrhosis and liver cancer, 40% adult males will become cirrhosis and liver cancer, which is 10% for women. A survey of vaccines and infections in adults shows that 40% of people do not need to get a vaccine, 60% of people need to be vaccinated again, and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends vaccination for some key populations, including intravenous drug users, Medical and health workers, kidney dialysis and so on.
  In accordance with the vaccination program, after the first, the interval of second needle is a month, and then get the third needle at the sixth month, after inoculation of three needles, it will produce better results. As for the immune effect after vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine, the current observation is more than 15 years. If you have not been vaccinated before, one needle is an incomplete immune process, you should take the other two needles, so as to improve the protection rate. One needle may produce 30% success rate, three needle could get the full vaccination rate of 90% or more.
TAG: Chemical Reagents, Biomedicine

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