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Why stem cell research scandal continues

2014-08-06 来源:亚科官网

  The most famous academic misconduct in 2014 was the study of acid-induced stem cells by the Japanese Society of Health and Rehabilitation Medicine. This storm attracted scientists around the world to recall a scholarly scandal decade ago. Because academic misconduct of Haruko Obokata, August 5, Yoshiki Sasai, the principle of the physicochemical center of the regenerative medicine center was found suicide, which let people pay attention to this event once again.
  In February 2004, South Korean scientist Hwang Woo announced that he had successfully obtained stem cell lines from cloned human embryos, which meant that people could obtain various types of human cells for treatment, the cells could genetically match any patient, while avoiding the problem of rejection of the patient's immune system. This result immediately caught unprecedented attention in the field of stem cells, people were excited about its application prospects. However, when the findings were found to be forged, the media once again stormed the scientific community. Two major papers were withdrawn, and the career of several relevant scientists was ruined.
  In the field of stem cell research, in fact, there is not only these two events, other well-known events such as the German heart stem cell treatment expert Bodo-Eckehard Strauer. He has been claiming that bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells can repair myocardial damage. In 2009, Strauer retired from the University of Düsseldorf in Germany, where he first claimed that stem cells could treat human heart damage in 2001, and since then he has been a controversial figure. Many stem cell scientists have publicly expressed their suspicion of his remarks, the media also gave a report for these doubts. A recent article published in the International Journal of Cardiology examines the 48 papers published by his research team in detail, and presents a series of questions, including arithmetic errors in statistical statements and descriptions in the paper that different number of patients have the same answer.
  In the treatment of cardiac stem cells, American scholars have also suffered embarrassment. Professor PieroAnversa of Harvard University commit to a clinical trial SCIPIO research was questioned there is academic misconduct. This project claims that collection of myocardial stem cells from the patient's aorta can treat heart failure, the treatment effect is very satisfactory. The paper was published in the "Lancet" magazine in 2011. Harvard University is investigating the reliability of some of these data.
  Stem cell therapy explored by Italy company Stamina claims that the use of patients bone marrow cells, culture with vitamin A acid in vitro for 2 hours, the cells transfer into nerve cells, and then injected back into the patient's body, play a role in repairing nerve damage. Stamina stem cell therapy was considered by the Italian Ministry of Health's investigation committee as ignoring the stem cell biology theory, and lack of theoretical and practical basis.
  Why is the academic scandal in the field of stem cells so much and serious? The author believes that there are following main factors.
  First, the scale of stem cell research has been expanding. A large area of research, the probability of problem is also relatively large. Of course this is not the most important reason, neuroscience is more pronounced than stem cells, but there is not so many academic scandals.
  Second, driven by interests. Transformation potential of stem cell research is relatively large, large conversion potential also means that the commercial impact is obvious, which prone to academic kidnapping by commercial. As a new concept in the field of biomedicine, stem cell research is the field of greatest hope in the field of medicine, especially as a pillar of regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy brings people too much space. This trend has had a significant impact on academic.
  Third, heat and grade of stem cell research is high. The pursuit of high exposure news has been irreversible, become an international trend. Stem cell areas are bound to be affected by this factor. Driven by the power of journalism and exposure, scholars are only pursuing explosiveness, ignoring reliability, and even fake research results in extreme cases. In order to cut a striking figure in the fierce competition of stem cell research, the formation of absolute influence. This has to be said to be sadness in the field of life sciences. Because the stem cell research grade is high, but the basic reason is not difficult to understand, any progress in this area are very easy to cause great concern from biomedical field or even non-biomedical field, high degree of concern, the chances of finding problems are also relatively high.
  The impact of the above three factors has not diminished and seems to be increasing. Then it can be bold to predict that the chaos in the field of stem cell research will continue until the application of stem cells becomes a routine means of studying, the scale and heat down to a certain extent.
Statement: this article is edited by Suzhou Yacoo Science Co., Ltd.
TAG: Biochemical Reagents, Biomedicine

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