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Sanofi and Regeneron spend $67.5 million to buy priority vouchers

2014-08-06 来源:亚科官网

  For the victory of the competition, and making alirocumab come into the market faster, the two companies, Sanofi and Regeneron spent 67.5 million US dollars to buy an FDA accelerated review vouchers unprecedentedly.
  According to the Wall Street Journal, this accelerated review was originally given to BioMarin Pharmaceuticals on the grounds that it was based on the laws promulgated in 2012 to reward companies that develop rare childhood illnesses. According to the policy, companies that have obtained accelerated vouchers can use it when another drug is under review. The company can also choose to sell this valuable accelerated review ticket to other companies. This time, BioMarin did so, and it sold the accelerated review voucher to Sanofi and Regeneron, earning $67.5 million.
  Nancy Goodman, founder of the patient organization Kids v Cancer, said she hoped that other companies could do so like Sanofi and Regeneron. After her son died of brain cancer, Nancy Goodman founded Kids v Cancer and actively advocated writing the terms of this special coupon to the 2012 FDA Safety and Innovation Act. For this transaction price, Goodman said she had predicted between $25 million and $50 million, but in fact BioMarin had more money from the first accelerated ticket than she had predicted. She believes that the future price will be higher.
  Goodman argues that this, in turn, will stimulate pharmaceutical companies to develop fatal child disease drugs, including testing the use of existing adult drugs in children. She said she knew two companies (she declined to say which two were) had drugs that failed in adult clinical trials and would now want to try out whether it could be used for children. Goodman said, "But, you know, really do not know what the results of the experiment ... ... now we know the value of accelerating ticket, I am ready to go back to contact the two companies, tell them," see, there is a reason for continuation of the study. "
Edited By Suzhou Yacoo Science Co., Ltd.

TAG: Biochemical Reagents Biomedicine 

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