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Modern medicine has conquered eight deadly viruses

2014-08-06 来源:亚科官网


  We will make an inventory of 8 deadly virus that modern medicine has conquered below.
Smallpox: Smallpox led to the death of 300 to 500 million people only in the 20th century, it is one of the most ruthless disasters in human history. This virus will first attack the skin cells, and will produce a typical lump or fleck on body. The smallpox vaccine is the first vaccine.
Tetanus: Although most of the tetanus is caused by rust and nail corrosion and infection, but it is not actually caused by rust. Tetanus comes from Clostridium tetani, which is usually found on rusty surfaces. Fortunately, this disease can be prevented by regular vaccination.
Rabies: Rabies are usually transitived between interspecies through bite, and in fact it is a threat to all mammalian species. It is characterized by nervous system anxiety, excitement, delusion and even fear of water. The disease can be treated by vaccination.
Poliomyelitis: Poliomyelitis is one of the greatest success stories in modern medicine. It has been one of the most deadly childhood diseases, and now most of the developing countries have eradicated the disease. A world free of polio can take only a few years to achieve.
Yellow fever: yellow fever is spread by mosquitoes, its symptoms is the skin and eyes change yellow, hence the name. Yellowing is also a manifestation of liver damage, this damage will lead to death. Although there is no known treatment for this disease, it is possible to prevent it by vaccination.
Rinderpest: Although the virus is not dangerous to humans (it only infects cattle and other ruminants), it is a major threat to humans because we rely on these animals for farming. After the advent of the vaccine, OIE makes this disease as a global elimination target.
Pertussis: The name of the pertussis is derived from the uncontrollable cough symptoms, it is caused by highly infectious Bordetella pertussis bacteria, which usually lasts for several weeks.
Measles: The most common feature of measles is the appearance of rash and quickly spread to the body, it is able to cause the serious situation of brain infection and death. Although it is a devastating disease historically, the disease has been drastically reduced since the vaccine developed in the 1960s.
Statement: Edited by Suzhou Yacoo Science Co., Ltd.
TAG: Biochemical Reagents, Biomedicine

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